
Infrographic: 00.60 in Social Media

Wow, I never expected about many million people love to sharing more in the social media around world! Sure, many youths like to check on their social media like Foursquare, same as my youngest sister always check-in the Foursquare and Facebook!

Many people fell love on watching the Youtube because they prefer to watch TV online, compared with TV at home? Pinterest still be new, I will check what is this! :D Every 60 seconds, they keep to share their status, posts, groups and facebook pages, includes the companies also did same thing! I think that Facebook is really good business for the companies who promoted their brands? Facebook still be KING of social media in the Internet...

In every 60 seconds, more than 2 million videos watched on YouTube, more than 700,000 messages sent using Facebook, and more than 175,000 tweets sent via Twitter. Of more than 2,000 check-in location is also done through the Foursquare, and pulling Tagged active service more than 3,500 new contact link on every minute.

Source by Social Jumpstart

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