1) FastIcon Smashing Feed Icons

It have 8 free 'feed' icons for your desktop, blog or website. You can download the standard Mac or Windows icons as well as a handy PNG files for linux, web or blogs at Fast Icon Website.
2) Yoritsuki icons

This file contains 35 icons that are associated with hot springs in Japan. The unique icons drawn in 128x128-pixel format will make your desktop delightful. Please be aware that Yoritsuki is the name of a fictional Japanese-style inn.
3) Gaming Icon Pack

The gaming icons in 3d cartoon style. As games freak, you can actually use the icons for game emulators like SNES and Sega. It have 18 icons for PC and MAC.
4) Accumulator Icons

It have 5 Icons in PNG format only. It looks as battery icons. :) When you visit Accumulator website, you will notice all words are Thai language.. :P But, I think it is really cool icons. ;) The designer will update new icons in their website.
5) Medieval Helmets Icons

Pack that contains 12 PNG Icons 128×128. I think that all medieval icons from Eastern Europe because they are historic. The helmets are used by the knights who ride the horses! :D
6) Camino Icons

A few icons for the Mac OSX super browser Camino, 5 colors and a retro look for your favorite browser.
7) Apple Mail Icons

I really like this icons because it designed as Apple mails..It have 5 icons (512x512) in .PNG
8) iPhone icons (FastIcon)

The iPhone icons; Browser, calendar, calculator, chat, clock, graphics, iPod, e-Mail, map, notes, phone, photo, sms, tools, wallpapers, weather.
9) Browsing Dock Icons

The software and application icons for your dock or desktop. This icon style inspired by rokey's smooth metal pack. A total of icons are 111- the biggest pack, which can used for PC and Mac.
10) Dock Icons

It is very cool and like the video / film images! There are 4 docks icons only.
11) Antique Icons

There are getting the 13 Antique icons - ICO and PNG icons format. It is very historal icons.
12) WebSiteIcons.net

It let you can download what icons which you like in the WebsiteIcons.net. There are different of icons; games, XP style, fruits, and many..
13) SeventySeven Icons

It is the windows version in ico and pngs.
14) iVista Icons

PhilipsDesign - iVista ICONS pack contains 25 high quality icons; .ico format. Internet, folder, download info and more...
15) Adobe CS 3 Icon Pack

9 PNG icons based on the design of Adobe CS3's applications' boxes. Cool? :)
16) Wireless Mighty Mouse Icons

This icon collection was inspired in the look of the new Apple's Bluetooth Mighty Mouse, and is available as standard Mac or Windows icons as well as a handy PNG files for linux or web.
17) Blog Icons

They are in 512×512 px icons of three of the most used blogging systems. It inculdes PSD and 3 sizes.
18) Folder Icons

It is nice! There are 13 icons in png and icon. It can used for Windows and Mac.
19) CandyBar Icons

This is 512x512 colored Icons for CandyBar
20) Web 2.0 Icons

The Web 2.0 icons can used for your blogs and websites. It is cute icons!
bill: Thanks, please visit my site when you r free :D