
Blogging Food Groups make A Well-Balanced Blog!

I tried to blog on everyday but, I am rest during Sunday only. I did twice when I eat my vegetables because it make healthy more! Mostly, I also eat meat once I share links to my social media.
With the wheat and grains, I have to think the idea of topic for my blogs! I always leave my posts or inspiration image on every Friday as I enjoyed to eat my dessert!

If you want to make your blog become well-balanced. Check out the infographic below to learn more about balancing your blog's diet.

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions recommends treating your blog like you would your diet, incorporating a healthy balance of content based on five food groups.

By providing a mix of how-to and influencer posts (whole wheat and grains), leadership articles and guest topics (vegetables), research and analysis (meats), light-hearted viral content (dessert and sweets) and bold statements (condiments), your blog will engage readers and, where applicable, hook potential customers. In fact, a recent Hubspot report found that 82% of marketers who blogged daily saw an upswing in ROI.

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