Let me give you a summary story only...that Ben Whittaker, who is a senior intern who join a fashion online website run by Jules Ostin, who is young, and career-driven woman. When they meet each other in same company, it give us to understand what are difference between old and young generation in their own ages. It focus two main characters' stories, make you will enjoy to know them so deeply! Ben also attracted to a beautiful lady who take a job as massage therapist in the fashion online company, make me laughed!
I really like the comedy parts about Ben's jokes, and he also are well-organized, and understanding person who always show his patience when he social with the young people during their workplace, that is why his young colleagues want to follow Ben to become a better person. He is really good at observing Jules, especially he advised her to care her health, and take time to enjoy her life first before she work. The retired people tried to catch up so patiently as they want to learn more about the technology when they really want to work with young people during the workplace. But it is BEST for old people to social with the young working people to be motivated and organized so well!
Wow, I love Ben's idea so amazing! If I don't want my mom know my secret, or will get to scold me, so mean I call my best friends to save me so quickly! We come to solve our problem together so fun! Just like the Ben and guys are going to solve Jules's problem in her mom house so quickly and they also are in stuck helplessly to get in car fast to escape from Jules’s mother house. They are cute when they tried to get the attention from a driver! LAUGHTER is best medicine to make you become laugh more when you and your friends do the action together so very fun!!
I also love the new trend office, which everyone can cycle the bicycle, play games, and wear casual clothes so freedom. Many people also used technology to promote the business online. I surprised that they also serious with the social media too; Instagram, and Facebook also need to bring more customers to the online companies, mean the Internet marketing is very important...
It is very fun when you work with a old person to understand each other when you communicate with them so slowly until you both to become closer when they are your family or best friend who share experience each other, so it said, "Experience Never Gets Old" in our life, when you are young or old! I felt that Ben is "father" to Julas's fashion online company because he always educate the young working people with him, and can take care of everything so great! I also have my colleague is old but still have big heart as "mother" in my office, always be kind and understanding person who take care of me and colleagues in the office. They will never scold or not happy with you...they still want to understand you so much, and wait until you tell them when you are ready. They never stop you, and let you learn the mistake and lessons so many. They still are your "father"/"mother" friend to you.

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Kolin zainal
Cheers, https://siennylovesdrawing.wordpress.com/
thanks for sharing