Thank you very much for Hwajing Travel & Tours chose me as the GRAND WINNER in the My Parents, My HERO Contest by Hwajing Travel & Tours. ! I never think that I have chance to get a visit to South Korea! I cannot go to collect the prize so my youngest sis who helped to collect it for me, at same time I am Deafmoolah organiser at Sunway College. She bring my mom go there, and make a surispe video for her!

"My mom is my personal miracle. Whenever something becomes too much for me as a Deaf girl facing the world, she is always there to cheer me up and calm me down with a big hug. I know mum treat me as her special daughter in her heart everyday and does this all with a beautiful smile." - Selina Wing
Here, I give my surispe video to my mom! :D since I cannot go with my mom to collect the GRAND Prize! But my sign language is fast and not good enough because I rushed to do my Deafmoolah work ( I don't care if some Deafs complained about my video. I am really want to thank for my mom and sisters who always stand up for me on everytime!
My mom don't know me to took part in this contest and write essay for her! She shocked when I already get a GRAND prize for my mom! She is my HERO, and SUPER MOM! :D
My youngest sister and I discussed about when we will go to Seoul, South Korea. Maybe, we will go on next year because my family and I always busy on this year. In addition, I will leave Malaysia on next month, as I joined my family to meet my eldest sister who is staying in the Sydney, Australia.
I felt like my dream become true? I always love go to Japan and South Korea because their culture attracted me! I will check on the South Korea's tourism website!
Question: What I will do in the Seoul? If you have any tips to share with me, please! :)