Synopsis: The Croods is a prehistoric comedy adventure that follows the world’s first family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures — and their outlook is changed forever.
This movie, Croods is very great, funny and, fast-paced family adventure! Their world looks like it have the fantasy and unique animals are different than our prehistorical animals?
It's about a family of cavemen - Croods, that for the sake of survival live holed up in a cave. Eep loves her family dearly, but she wants to see more of the outside world. However dad Grug only wants to keep his family safe from the prehistoric creatures or dangerous things, and banned his daughter from leaving their family's cave.
Sure, all teenagers like Eep wants to explore their own world, and continue to live so better. It make me think about Deaf teenagers always sit in home which their parent protected & take care of them since they don't know how and what to do by themselves, when they are growing up in their own environment. Eep's dad, Grug who was very angry and want to blame on new guy named "Guy".
Grug are jealous when Eep always be with her friend, "Guy", just like my mom always jealous at me because I always go out with my best friends! Haha. It's not easy for the parent allow their own son or daughter go out on their own life. Their reasons are they want to change their life only, not change themselves because they are really love their parent and always care them so much.
I inspired by "Guy" because he always think so creative and love to try "new" thing. His believe of "Tomorrow" make him be more adventurous and risk-taking, thus bringing happiness to everyone and head out towards the sun for "Tomorrow".
That is why Grug has a change of heart towards Guy, and it make Grug's thinking to be WISE and LEADERSHIP! He looks like modern human, no more caveman again. His heart about he sure want to protect his important family so he believe in Eep and Guy! It make me felt touched out and see each person in family also be inspire and encourage each other! They don't have to fear "Darkness" so, the "Light" make them opened their heart in their path when they reach the land of "Tomorrow"!
It delivers the message that a family makes your stronger, and offers unconditional love and support, and will always stick by you. These are the kinds of messages that I would like to see more again!
When the ending so very happy, I am amazed when I saw my mom, and youngest sis & her boyfriend got cried and felt GREAT when they are watching this movie!!! I also like this movie! It is suitable for family and anybody who love the adventurous stories!
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