Today, Many Deaf Malaysians have joined Facebook to connect with their friends. They love Facebook because it is easy to make them meet up when they set an event and update their status to inform about what is happened for Deaf Community Malaysia on every time. So, they save time and can get know news in their own community.

Facebook has enabled the features which you maybe don't know...
For example, you come to know from a friend which you lost contact with her after you graduated in university. She had updated her post but, you never saw anything on your newsfeed even though she is on your friends list.
That is why Facebook didi shows you updates of some friends with whom you have interacted only, not you visit all of your friends. It's hard for you to visit all friends in your Facebook, right? So, you want get to know all friends' update and news in Facebook?
How you change the Setting of News Feed in your Facebook?
First, you login to your Facebook account.
In your Newsfeed, click on the small icon beside "
Most Recent" to get a drop down menu.
Then you change from "
Friends and pages you interacted.." to "
All of your friends and pages". Finally, you click "Save". You can see everything from your friends'news feed at your Facebook!
It's easy to enable the setting of News Feed in short time only. If you feel not comfortable when your status can viewed by your friends, you remember to check your privacy setting!