“Up” tells the uplifting tale of 78-year-old balloon salesman Carl Fredricksen (voiced by the legendary Ed Asner). His lifelong dream is to visit the wilds of South America. One day, before heading to retire to an old-age home, he ties thousands of balloons to his beloved house and flies away to Paradise Falls.
But unbeknownst to Carl, there’s an unwanted passenger in his flying home – the overly optimistic 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell (Jordan Nagai). The unwitting stowaway is just one badge shy of achieving his Senior Wilderness Explorer rank. The pin that will help Russell reach his goal is the Assisting-the-Elderly badge.
Together, Carl and Russell embark on the trip of their lives. They journey into a lost world where they encounter strange characters. But above all, Carl and Russell find their inner selves and discover the true nature of friendship.
After work, I drove alone to the Tropicana City Mall during heavily rain.. -_- Luckily, I got the tickets before the reservation time is finish. I am waiting for my mom and sister in 25 mins..lol. First time, we go in the GSC cinema because The Tropicana City Mall still is new! :D“Up” is very a comedy movie because it give the feeling of heart and sorrow, but it also make you also happy and laugh so together! I also touched with the loving relationship between Carl and his wife Ellie! It always bring laughter come from Kevin, a 13-foot tall flightless bird and a clever dog, Dug. Wow, a boy is brave and wants to help everyone! He is very cute! After his wife, Ellie passed away, his heart already lost and not believe anyone..Like,he's missing something in his life, and he's lonely. When Carl is flying with his own house, many happened to him in the jounery to Ellie's dream place until the special bond that forms between Carl, Russell, Kevin, and Dug is also heartwarming. In “Up,” you will identify about how the old man who is brilliant enough to make his home fly high up into the sky! ^ ^
I really like the colorful balloon! :D I wish to sit in a house with the balloon! Hehe..A kid also can fly with the balloon! O_O It bring the meaning for the kids and adults..You also can do what come from your heart!! And that friendship is one of the most beautiful things in the world. That is their journey that they take together not only makes them stronger within, it gives them hope, and it gives them each other. :)
If you are looking for a hillarious movie with some sensical meaning. Up is highly recommended. It was truly awesome. Bravo!
My upcoming movie review "G-Force" will come in my blog soon! :D