They believe that there is strength in numbers and standing up to voice out can make a difference to our country. Check out it!
What is the YouthSays?
YouthSays helps other organizations to find out what youths think about them, their products and services. It is created solely for the purpose of getting your feedback via surveys. Your answers to these surveys will give insights to these organizations so that they can develop products, services and policies which more accurately meet our needs. Through Youthsays, we remain anonymous, yet we will be the loudest voice of the youths in Malaysia.
How does it work?
* Get paid when you take surveys, as it helps businesses and society serve you better.
* Meet like minds and influence others as you discuss your interests, current issues in the group discussions.
* Get more readers for your blog, as you broadcast interesting statistics of young Malaysians.
* Help young Malaysians with their questions. Or ask one of your own!
I’m impressed. It provide simple, interactive and very fast online surveys. Not like other paid online surveys. For participants, they can answer the questions so easily. It just takes a minute or two when they take one survey. You can take a sneak peek into Malaysia’s hottest online discussion panel there. It’s kind of fun to share opinions with other people out there and find new friends. You also can put your question there, you will gain money if they answer your question! :D
You will get RM0.20 for each person who activates their account after clicking on your invite link if you put a badge in your blog or invite your friends.
Good news! Once you install the YouthSays Member's Broadcast Badge, your everyday blog posts are complemented with interesting statistics from YouthSays surveys - automatically! This helps you broadcast the voice of young Malaysians and shares interesting statistics with your readers. And, YouthSays will give you a Daily Broadcast Bonus (more $$$) if they visit your blog in the Youthsays.
I already test it out..This is true that I gain more money after my blog get the traffic from the Youthsays, invited friends and take survey! There are some organization who care are ASTRO and Ministry of Youth and Sports! :O
Want to try it? Come! join us~ :D
Free Register as the YouthSays's member!
When you log in, you click 'My money' then u see 'invite your friends', you click it..you will see 'your invite link is ......'
you copy this link then you paste it in your blog or can use badge youthsays- what u see my blog.. :)