
Lady Murasaki Bot Recites Tale of Genji

Wow! This is one cute looking robot! It is very small robot like the real doll, but its modeled after 10th century noblewoman Lady Murasaki Shikibu. I wonder if this robot can speak with you? It can tell a story about The Tale of Genji!


She reads you her famous novel Tale of Genji via an internal MP3 player while making relevant gestures from her era to emphasise dramatic moments.

Via TokyoMango

Do you know what is Tales of Genji? It is a famous novel 'Tales of Genji' by Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu :O I heard that it is very good story..Lot of readers really like to read this noval..because it is really touching and make you feel romantic and sad! It also used for the manga, TV drama and many.. That is why it still famous in Japan only.

Read more information ; The Tales of Genji

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