
Cookie policy

We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Please see more details about Google Privacy Policy - link here and Google Cookies - link here.

We will NEVER sell and share any personal information with third parties. We won't ask you for personal information when you subscribed email or newsletter with us.

This website uses cookies, which are stored by your browser on your computer. If you wish to restrict or block the cookies used by this website, you can modify your browser settings to control the level of privacy – your browser’s setting will tell you how to do this. Please be aware that restricting cookies may impact on the functionality of this website.

External Links:
Selina Wing Blog is not responsible for the availability or content of external sites that may be linked to, from the site. If you find a broken link or if you have any questions or concerns about a link, please contact us.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device by a website’s server. Only that server will be able to retrieve or read the contents of that cookie. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. It will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier as well as the site name. Cookies may be set by the website you are visiting (“first party cookies”) or they may be set by other websites who run content on the page you are viewing (“third party cookies”).

How are cookies used?
Cookies do lots of different jobs, including letting you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences, and generally improving your experience of a website. Most websites you visit will use cookies to improve your user experience by enabling that website to “remember” you, either for the duration of your visit (using a “session cookie”) or for repeat visits (using a “persistent cookie”).

If a website doesn’t use cookies, it will think you are a visiting the website for the first time every time you move to a new page on the site – for example, when you enter your login details and move to another page the website won’t recognise you and it won’t be able to keep you logged in.

Some websites will also use cookies to enable them to target their advertising or marketing messages based, for example, on your location and/or browsing habits.

Categories of cookies:

Targeting Cookies
This Website will allow you to share pages with social networks such as Facebook Google+ and Twitter (If available)

Embedded content
To support our content, we sometimes embed photos and video content from websites such as YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo, Facebook and JotForm. As a result, when you visit a page containing such content, you may be presented with cookies from these websites. Selina's Wing Blog does not control the dissemination of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party’s website for more information.
Sharing tools
You will also see embedded “share” buttons on Selina Wing Blog; these enable users to easily share content with their friends through a number of popular social networks. When you click on one of these buttons, a cookie may be set by the service you have chosen to share content through. My blog, Selina Wing does not control the dissemination of these cookies. Examples currently on our website include:
Blogger Commenting on
This blog used You authenticate yourself using the Blogger / Google login wizard. When you authenticate, you create a login cookie, which is later used to identify you when you comment, when you Follow a blog (or maintain the Followers on your blog), and when you maintain or publish to your own blog. The login cookie is now created under "". Our comments are using the CAPTCHA based screening, will also require access to third party cookies when you are not google user. 

Google Analytics
Selina Wing Blog website uses Google Analytics. This is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics sets a cookie in order to evaluate use of those services and compile a report for us. User data is anonymous. Opt-out of Google Analytics cookies.

Google Adsense
Selina Wing Blog uses Google Adsense. Google's Advertising also work hard to make sure that ads are safe, unobtrusive and as relevant as possible. For example, you won’t see pop-up ads on Google and we terminate the accounts of hundreds of thousands of publishers and advertisers that violate our policies each year – including ads containing malware, ads for counterfeit goods or those that attempt to misuse your personal information. See more details about the Support on Adsense and Google Ads Policy.

Affiliates & Ad Network - Third Party Links
The websites contains hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third party websites have their own privacy policies, including cookies, and we urge you to review them. They will govern the use of personal information you submit or are collected by cookies whilst visiting these websites. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.

Most advertisements you see on the Selina are served to your web browser. However, we also allow other companies, called Affiliates, to serve advertisements within our website/blog. For example, Lazada, Ensogo, and Malaysian's Ad companies for our country, Malaysia only.

*We may revise this Cookie Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any important changes by posting a notice on all Cookie Policy links. If you see a notice of change, please check the Cookie Policy, because your continued use of the site after we post the change means you have agreed to the new terms.

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