
2014 Word Of The Year - My Resolutions of Life

Our new year, 2014 sure will be oue long road to make us walk along.

New Years Resolutions For 2014

I know there will be so many blog posts about resolutions, I know a lot of people don't believe in making them but I look at it that's a perfect opportunity to renew personal goals, start something afresh & perhaps even change parts of your life you are happy or believe in your miracle luck in your future!

2014 is going to be a year full of change our lives in lots of ways, I will keep my dream plan for my future as I can.

 My favorite quote are start my new year, 2014 off with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. On new years eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year
Here is a list of my top five resolutions, are the important ones to me below;

1. I always take good care of myself, and I enjoy such health of mind, body and spirit on everyday. As I am grateful for being so healthy on everyday of my wonder-full life!

2. I have more than enough time, money and energy to do all that I want? So, I enjoy my balance and harmony in my life! I make more time to spend time with my family and personal life, as I enjoyed my relax life.

3. Keep to blogging as I am enjoy to spend to play around when I am free! Playing with my best friends via social media and blogging! I keep keep my creativity going up for my work and life!

4. I am free-worry and easy to say, "F.E.A.R now stand for "Feel Everything...And Relax". I always manifest peach in and through me everyday of my wonder-filled life.

5. Live in my miracles luck and accept my luck, wealth and happiness on everyday as I am very positive and enjoyed my freedom life!

You can create a little bit of something positive that brings you joy and success, so it, can bring you happiness and fulfillment.

We will open new book. It's pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Miracle Book" and its first chapter is your new life! It can help you remember what you desire to bring into your new world!

Your Life is your greatest event and every dream of yours is a grand arrangement. This arrangement that make your feel awesome, magical and magnificent origin from your imagination! You can dream what you want for your awesome life!

"My life will be filled with unlimited love, happiness, joy, laughter, good health and abundance wealth, success and happiness be my constant companion all this year"

Wishing you the most GREAT New Year!

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