"I never ask you to date this type of guy; Geek.
Just find your true love. :) "
Just find your true love. :) "
Nowadays, many topics about the Geek that I heard on many times! I wondered about why many ladies talked about it, so I figured out that they prefer the Geek guys can do easy things, smart-problem solver, and saving money for them as the geeks are loyal and make comedy happiness for them! But, there are few ladies want a romantic guy to make them enjoy the romantic life? This is your choice for your own happiness to date the guy when you and your loved one & trust each other.
This video explained to you that it is not hard to find a geek! If you know a guy who is Geek, he can fix your computer. If you don't know how to make your electronic life, you ask your geek to check what are the problem with your washing machine, fridge, and etc! They can help you to find the good deals, cheapest products, and promotion sales! A geek will be grateful to have you, mean he is loyal and trust to you for everything. They will give you all the care you need and make sure that you have everything.
Maybe you all think that Geeks always stay home to focus what they love to do only? Answer: No! There are still more Geeks are going out because they want to check the IT events, game shop, meet the friends to share the similar interest and many...! They always be connected by anywhere, just like twitter!
I am Geek, I love to blogging and never miss the latest of technology. What's new interest that I will explore myself! I sure can share what I know with my friends, and family.I always give my opinions to my deaf friends who need to know more information!
1. We be Patient
They be patient when they always face many problem and challenges in their life. They are supportive for their boyfriend/girlfriend. Why Geeks can be patient? Because the amount of patience they have is unmatched. How else can they spent months leveling-up their RPG characters in the multiplayer games. They can be patient when your boyfriend or girlfriend always angry or blame at them, but they don't mind!
Correct, I always spend alot time to level up my character and non-stop to complete a game on everytime, same as my sisters who are patient! My sisters and I can control our expression of feeling, so our level of patience be increased because we love to play games!
2. We’ll Search Very Hard for Your Present
If you ask them, how to get a thing or work on the thing? They are finding how things work to buying something, mean they are doing the research for you! You know that Geeks are intelligent people who know the stuffs. When they don’t know what are new or old thing, they are going to learn anything about it!
Correct, I can find a ideal or a very hard present so easily! How? Because I always be informed by every bloggers, and some companies who always send email to me on everyday! I always go into searching mode as I check websites, read reviews, opinions, forums and anything else I can get my hands on, until I find the perfect gift that I want!
3. We Don’t Create Problems, We Solve Them
Problem solving is our way of life. We are always looking for problems that need to be fixed and then find a solution. My hearing friend who is Geek guy, his wife is pretty happy that whenever a problem comes up, because he will give his best go to improve or fix her wife's problem. They have many creative ideas to improve or solve it so together!
I always looking the solution to solve the problem and give what I try to improve my skills or learn new thing! Many geek guys; hearing colleagues always helped me alot to fix the IT stuffs. They always know everything about how to repair cars, electronic, technology, and many things I learned from them! Haha.
4. We be BEST Listener
When you have a bad day and just want to complain to someone about everything that goes wrong in life, they’re here to listen to you. And even if you happen to be blame them for the cause of everything gone wrong, they’d give in and listen to you than risk raising an argument, just to make you feel better. They really understand you, is the basis for trust, caring and respect to you.
Correct, I never think want to make an argument with my parent or best friends because I always be listener, mean I always listen what they don't like or angry or blame others or me, it helped that they will be BETTER after they express their emotion or are unhappy!
4. We Inspire People
Geeks are true to themselves. They’d rather be unpopular and be who they really are than to sell themselves out to be approved by others. They pursue what they love with passion and dedication. They can also inspire you to stay true to who you are. In that sense, dating a geek makes you a more courageous person.
I always inspire everyone, include my deaf friends and encourage the deaf youths to improve their education and not give up because I knew their life is very challenging! If for my future boyfriend, I will inspire him to love his passion and can improve himself to be better if he believe that he can do! as I not need him to change himself, keep him to stay to be true and inspiration guy. :)
5. We be an independent boyfriend/girlfriend.
Geeks like their freedom and independence so, they are helpful and always guide their boyfriend/girlfriend. They always encourage you to do what you like, and lead you to increase your knowledge. You also help to teach and improve them too. Remember, it help that you both always support and trust each other to do together so better.
6. Be Successful
Geeks take more time to make them to be successful because they are willing to give-in and working on what job they like to do until they are successful. For example, Mark Zucberbery (Facebook), and Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google). If you give more time to them and keep to be faith and believe in them, you will be proud with Geeks!
Remember, Barack Obama is President America? He maybe not is Geek but, he is patient guy, love his wife and kids so much and willing to take more challenge to do the election in US, because he wants to change the nation to be better! Barack Obama: "And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years - the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady, Michelle Obama!" Source: "President-elect Barack Obama's remarks in Chicago." SFGate.com. 11/04/08.
I have many things which I want to do in my dream of list! I must do my action to fill my goal of dream! :)
Source info by hongkiat.com and thenextweb.com
Kids say their geek dad is cooler than other dads and they have a lot fun learning about technology from their dad.
There are many geeks like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zucberbery, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google and many..! There are many geeks who can programme, create application for iPad, or Android, and design the creative! Please read my previous post about who are famous of Geek?
So, the results are more geek generation is more technical as we. They are by birth talented so, what you think of this? :P
Maybe you all think that Geeks always stay home to focus what they love to do only? Answer: No! There are still more Geeks are going out because they want to check the IT events, game shop, meet the friends to share the similar interest and many...! They always be connected by anywhere, just like twitter!
I am Geek, I love to blogging and never miss the latest of technology. What's new interest that I will explore myself! I sure can share what I know with my friends, and family.I always give my opinions to my deaf friends who need to know more information!
1. We be Patient
They be patient when they always face many problem and challenges in their life. They are supportive for their boyfriend/girlfriend. Why Geeks can be patient? Because the amount of patience they have is unmatched. How else can they spent months leveling-up their RPG characters in the multiplayer games. They can be patient when your boyfriend or girlfriend always angry or blame at them, but they don't mind!
Correct, I always spend alot time to level up my character and non-stop to complete a game on everytime, same as my sisters who are patient! My sisters and I can control our expression of feeling, so our level of patience be increased because we love to play games!
2. We’ll Search Very Hard for Your Present
If you ask them, how to get a thing or work on the thing? They are finding how things work to buying something, mean they are doing the research for you! You know that Geeks are intelligent people who know the stuffs. When they don’t know what are new or old thing, they are going to learn anything about it!
Correct, I can find a ideal or a very hard present so easily! How? Because I always be informed by every bloggers, and some companies who always send email to me on everyday! I always go into searching mode as I check websites, read reviews, opinions, forums and anything else I can get my hands on, until I find the perfect gift that I want!
3. We Don’t Create Problems, We Solve Them
Problem solving is our way of life. We are always looking for problems that need to be fixed and then find a solution. My hearing friend who is Geek guy, his wife is pretty happy that whenever a problem comes up, because he will give his best go to improve or fix her wife's problem. They have many creative ideas to improve or solve it so together!
I always looking the solution to solve the problem and give what I try to improve my skills or learn new thing! Many geek guys; hearing colleagues always helped me alot to fix the IT stuffs. They always know everything about how to repair cars, electronic, technology, and many things I learned from them! Haha.
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Source image by Kendruck.com |
When you have a bad day and just want to complain to someone about everything that goes wrong in life, they’re here to listen to you. And even if you happen to be blame them for the cause of everything gone wrong, they’d give in and listen to you than risk raising an argument, just to make you feel better. They really understand you, is the basis for trust, caring and respect to you.
into someone’s eyes after telling them how we really feel — and seeing
that they get it, they really understand, is the basis for trust, caring
and respect. It’s also how we get to really know one another. - See
more at:
Correct, I never think want to make an argument with my parent or best friends because I always be listener, mean I always listen what they don't like or angry or blame others or me, it helped that they will be BETTER after they express their emotion or are unhappy!
4. We Inspire People
Geeks are true to themselves. They’d rather be unpopular and be who they really are than to sell themselves out to be approved by others. They pursue what they love with passion and dedication. They can also inspire you to stay true to who you are. In that sense, dating a geek makes you a more courageous person.
I always inspire everyone, include my deaf friends and encourage the deaf youths to improve their education and not give up because I knew their life is very challenging! If for my future boyfriend, I will inspire him to love his passion and can improve himself to be better if he believe that he can do! as I not need him to change himself, keep him to stay to be true and inspiration guy. :)
5. We be an independent boyfriend/girlfriend.
Geeks like their freedom and independence so, they are helpful and always guide their boyfriend/girlfriend. They always encourage you to do what you like, and lead you to increase your knowledge. You also help to teach and improve them too. Remember, it help that you both always support and trust each other to do together so better.
6. Be Successful
Geeks take more time to make them to be successful because they are willing to give-in and working on what job they like to do until they are successful. For example, Mark Zucberbery (Facebook), and Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google). If you give more time to them and keep to be faith and believe in them, you will be proud with Geeks!
Remember, Barack Obama is President America? He maybe not is Geek but, he is patient guy, love his wife and kids so much and willing to take more challenge to do the election in US, because he wants to change the nation to be better! Barack Obama: "And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years - the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady, Michelle Obama!" Source: "President-elect Barack Obama's remarks in Chicago." SFGate.com. 11/04/08.
I have many things which I want to do in my dream of list! I must do my action to fill my goal of dream! :)
Source info by hongkiat.com and thenextweb.com
Kids say their geek dad is cooler than other dads and they have a lot fun learning about technology from their dad.
There are many geeks like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zucberbery, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google and many..! There are many geeks who can programme, create application for iPad, or Android, and design the creative! Please read my previous post about who are famous of Geek?
So, the results are more geek generation is more technical as we. They are by birth talented so, what you think of this? :P