I know that Disney like to make this movie was derived from a video game "The Prince of Persia". It's very popular game which the gamers love to play... I also play this game in PS2 b4 since my eldest sis bought new games DVD for me. It is very hard to complete the mission if I want to find where place make my character can jump and climb! @-@ First time, I play "The Prince of Persia" in 3D... I never finish this game, maybe I give up so easily? My youngest sis can do it! Wow.. My sis and I cannot.. -_-lll I am sure that a lot of guys love this game because it is very cool and good graphic of animation! When you play this, you have to find out where is you or can hide from enemies, and fighting the bosses. That is the best-selling "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" game to be a movie!

It got the mixture of action, for example the style of throwing, jumping, and fighting, but funny, the partners - Prince Dastan and Princess always fight each other but they have romance and humor makes this movie a very nice. :)

Go and watch if you like! I give the rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Do you remember this games - 1990-1993s? When I am kid, I always play this games "Prince of Persia" b4 when my dad and mom brought 1st PC on their first time. My eldest sister and I excited about the computers when we are small... lol! Because we don't know what is PC since the technology just be introducted in our world!
So, now new game "Prince of Persia" in 3D like this;