My presentation are about..
In my life of MMU, how I can survive and communicate with my friends and lecturers?
MMU accept me as 1st Deaf person who studying in Multimedia University on their first time! I am staying in the hostel for 4 years..so it is very long time.I learned to cook, wash my clothes, buying my needs from mini markets, and etc..haha! I always enjoyed to study with my hearing friends and lecturers. Luckily,they are very understanding and love to make friend with me. They always give the support to me. So, I have many good friends from MMU! They also help to teach and explain to me so patiently. They also like to learn my sign language. In my Interface Design major, I am very excited when I learned many subjects, like HumanFactor, User Experience, Prototype, Design Plan Strategy, User Interface, Case study of application and many.. :D I always use research skill on the assignments and projects which given by the lecturers in Interface Design. This is very fun! (This is what I skipped this because no enough time)
About my final year project, I explained about my research on the mobile application - D-Heart - what/why choose an idea. How I can discuss this proposal with my hearing friend? We used to communicate thru sign language, pen/paper and chatting in every discussion... My hearing friend, Chean SY and me always work so together..and collect many information and survey from deaf/hearing community. while we are looking for deaf/hearing friends and organisations. It is very tough and hardworking! No enough time to do mobile software - sign language. It is hard! @_@ Chean SY and I always present this project D-Heart to lecturers and Telenor until we won as 1st winner and happy to get the prizes from Telenor! My project also selected by "21st Human Factors in Telecommunication 2008, it be published for a HFI book!

I get to know many people from the companies during the presentation and when I met them. I am looking for MSC companies. That is why I got many business cards so, it help me to email them because they know who are me. They can help me to apply a job in their company. For example, I emailed the HR, IBM company and went for an interview there after they selected me! You can apply to JobStreet.com and looking for the jobs in TheStar newspaper. It also be very helpful.
I suggest that you better to try apply to big companies, like IBM, DIGI, Mobile Games, Studio Animation, International company, and etc. Don't think their company never have experience with deaf people! You should show what you can do your work in your company on your own! You need to climb up and be fair with the hearing people, same as what Lim Anuar give a talk about Career Level!
You need to write the objective of job that you seek and why you want to work with their company when you do the resume and cover letter. You can present yourself through your GREAT portfolio.
My experience in KDU College (no time to explain more, but I did show my works and tips in my presentation)
I already work in KDU College after 2 years ago. My team and I always do work together and support each other while we do the projects. I also in the meeting with my team. I always manage KDU website since I work as multimedia designer in KDU College. Tips: Don't afraid your hearing boss and colleagues when you are in the meeting. You can make friend with colleagues,- Think positive and enjoy chat - JOKE! :P Show your work that you can do! - Share an ideas/Learn new things. It help to increase your experience skills!
Wow, Amir's presentation - Kepimpinan Pekak...It is very interesting topic! He have alot of experience about what he works for the organisation and always help to improve deaf community... He always love to share with deaf people. ^^Amir was explaining about what is an important for Deaf Community... I still remember his presentation get a picture about the President JF Kennedy's speech - "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."! So, it means not ask what your leaders/organisation do for Deafs, ask what you can do for your own community, Deaf Malaysia? :D
And Lim Anuar's presentation - He like to give his advices about Time is Good, and LeadershipCareer Level. He explained that you start to do what you want by your own action so, do not waste your time to 'wait'! He gives a meaning of Leadership, the deaf community can learn to get leadership. His stories about his experience in LimKokWing, and how we can go up to top in the Career Level.

Thanks for this pictures that Amir Hamidi took during the workshop! ^^
Many deaf friends like my presentation in my facebook! O_o as I never think it! My sign language is still weak, but they still be inspired by my presentation! Thank you, everyone! ^^