1. Yahoo Status Check allows you to detect status of your Yahoo Messenger buddies. You just can check your friend's id if you want to know he is online or not..
2. Invisible-scanner.com is a tool that you can use to check up on your buddies. It shows you if the user is online, offline, invisible, it's avatar and also if it's the main id.
Invisible-scanner.com works no matter what type of Yahoo Messenger client your friend uses. So you will be able to see if your buddy is online no matter that he/she is using official Yaho Messenger or other type of multi-protocol or web-based clients.
Read more on Invisible-Scanner Blog
3. As you all know Yahoo! Messenger has a feature called Invisiblity. It means that your buddies can hide from you by changing their status to Invisible, that way you think they are offline. Using Invisible.ir you can find out if your buddies are Online, Offline, or Invisible.
Invisible.ir allows you check multiple Yahoo IDs at the same time. With Display Image Catcher you can steal other user's display pictures. Invisible.ir is web-based and free.
4. Y! Detector is yet another online service which help you to detect the status of Yahoo! Messenger users: online, offline or invisible mode.
You can detect invisible Yahoo! IDs easily with following only 2 steps:
1. Enter your friend’s yahoo ID
2: Click on magnifier.
Wait a few seconds, you will see the status of that ID.
5. AS iYahooCheck is a Yahoo ID Status Checker. It's created with Adobe Flash CS3 in ActionScript 3.0 language and with AIR 1.0 abilities. iYahooCheck will enable you to easily verify the status of YM IDs. You don't need even to login for checking other Yahoo IDs with AS iYahooCheck.
Download from Adobe.com
Download from SoftPedia.com
I personally tried the script and it showed invisible users as well. If you want to track the status of your buddies, I suggest to you try Yahoo Tracker.
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