My best friend told me that I better try to see the new design facebook. So, I thought he want to joke with me because I don't see any change in old facebook when I log in. Finally, I just know about the developers want to test out the new profile design but for the first time ever, they have released the new full site design!
You can try to access the new site by visiting www.new.facebook.com.
How's this design 'Facebook'? You like old verison? or this new? For all Facebook users, yours will automatically default to the new site design when you are logging in at Facebook . I try out the improved features by navigating back and forth between the new and current versions of the site..For me, it is cleaner and simpler design. :)
My best friend really like this new drop-down menu. He is very facebook freak.. I always ask him about which is one in new facebook.. :P
We explored more features and navigations in New Facebook.. we found the invitation's applications from 'home'. I know you don't like a lot of invitation friends..how to ignore all invitation application from your friends? So, you don't see a button 'Ignore all', but you can see the text ; "Block This Application / Ignore All Invites from this Friend" in the invitation from my friends. See the picture below;
If you want to see the wall written by your friends, how? You can find 'Posts by Others' at the home page.. Wow, it is very clean because we can see the walls by friends so easily! Last time, we see the small walls in old version only..Haha. See the picture below;
What are you thinking after you see new design when you log in? :D
Why they try to do new design for Facebook? Their developers's reason;
"Lately, Facebook profiles have become slower, more cluttered, and somewhat difficult to parse. Over the next few weeks, we'll roll out a number of improvements to the Facebook profile that are going to make the profile simpler, more relevant, and provide users with a greater degree of control...
The improved profile design helps better align the goals of application developers with the principles of the Platform ecosystem by:
- Helping users communicate and share information more efficiently
- Generating more meaningful activity
- Providing valuable information to users
- Increasing user trust
Applications that further these objectives will be more successful and achieve greater usage. We encourage application developers to focus on building applications that facilitate communication, generate meaningful activity, and increase users' trust..." For more information, please visit Facebook Developer website