My lecturers, juniors and ex-students (Multimedia University) are organizing and hosting HFT2008 event..
I will try to attend this event if I can get sponsor from my company.. :) because I did my previous project about the digital mobile community that related with deaf community.. We will do the presentation there..She told me that we have a special track dealing with 'accessibility with technology' for people with disability and elderly.. :D
About HFT?
The International Symposia on "Human Factors in Telecommunication" (HFT) are organized every second year to provide a forum for Human Factors experts to exchange information, views and experiences in research and the application of excellent Human Factors / human-machine interaction principles in telecommunication and in information & communication technology equipment and services.
The participating experts come from telecommunication administrations, service providers and manufacturers, and from related research and development organizations. Papers and posters should encourage open discussion of Human Factors and customer experience issues.
While earlier Symposia focused on basic telephony and speech quality, the Symposia now are dealing with Human Factors issues of human computer interaction, videocommunications, groupware, mobile services, etc. and with advanced products and services, such as the WWW, 3D-Displays, and Virtual Reality. The recent symposia comprised special sessions on support for the elderly and impaired.
Now, the International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication will take place in 2008, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
If you are interested abt this, please register and participate in the HFT2008..
*Please refer to for more information*