I went to One Utama with my sister and friends....Wow! First time, I saw the 'Best Christmas decorations @ New Wing'... Very impress with the creative works. I not sure what is this theme but good idea to think about something like the big soldier's head can move and the small little soldiers and keyboards can move... They looks as UK soldiers ^ ^ Cute! I love it because it is very beautiful and creative decorations.... I sure

And the Curve Shopping got christmas decoration- nice and ok only..I found the beautiful trees in Curve Shopping! you must take the photos about beautiful trees, cute deers and snowmans! Hehe... I love to see more creative of decorations! There are lot of mini shops around the christmas decorations.. I saw got falling snow (man-made) at outside Curve..white snow not like 'cold' but 'soap' ! :O if you see so far, it like falling white snow.. haha!
Nice christmas trees? Many colorful of lamps and balls...best white trees are nice because it can make light more with another colorful trees..^ ^!